

For students preparing for the English level four test, the composition is an important part of the test. The difficulty of the composition is gradually increasing year by year, requiring students to have a solid foundation in English writing and language skills. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the hot topics of the 2019 English level four test to help students prepare for the test more effectively and improve their writing skills.

Predicted topic 1: Environmental protection

Nowadays, the environment protection has become a hot issue around the world. The trend is manifested in more and more countries combination to protect the nature, the globe is experiencing drastic climate changes and the quality of air and water is deteriorated. In this situation, it is a popular topic in the English level four test in 2019. Students may be required to write compositions about how we can protect the environment, how we can live in an eco-friendly way, and how government and individuals should cooperate in environmental protection.


In recent years, with the development of the global economy and society, environmental pollution problems have become increasingly severe. The frequent occurrence of haze, water pollution, and the extinction of rare animals, all demonstrate the importance of environmental protection. Therefore, how to protect the environment has become a pressing issue that requires immediate attention from all sectors of society.

Firstly, governments should take actions to protect the environment. They should set up relevant regulations and laws to punish those individuals and corporations that cause environmental damage. Secondly, individuals should develop environmentally-friendly habits. Simple measures such as saving water and electricity, reducing unnecessary driving, and sorting trash can contribute to protecting the environment. Furthermore, public awareness of environmental protection should be enhanced. People should attend various activities, including thematic lectures and environmental protection campaigns to learn more about environmental issues and take concrete actions for the protection of our planet.

Predicted topic 2: Changes in Lifestyle

The second hot topic in the English level four test in 2019 is the changes in lifestyle. Modern society has brought about changes to people's lives, influencing their values, perceptions, and daily routine habits. In the test, students may be required to write compositions about the influence of these changes on individuals, families, and the society as a whole.


The rapid development of modern technology has brought about great changes to people's lives. Nowadays, young people are more likely to spend their time on social media, while older people may enjoy traditional entertainment. Furthermore, the work-life balance has been disturbed by new technologies, leading to difficulties in managing time at work and home. These changes in lifestyle have some benefits but also brought some negative effects.

On the one hand, modern technology has great convenience. We can easily access information, shop online, and communicate with people around the world. And we can enjoy more leisure activities than before. On the other hand, people are more likely to get addicted to electronic devices, which may lead to isolation, anxiety, and depression. In addition, people may have less physical activity, leading to health problems.

In conclusion, changes in lifestyle can bring about positive effects, but also result in some negative ones. It depends on individuals to make the right choice and to find a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of new technologies. Therefore, individuals should make rational use of technology, maintain good habits, and check their lifestyle from time to time, in order to live a healthy and meaningful life.


In the English level four test, students should focus on practical communication and logical thinking. Preparing for hot topics such as environmental protection and changes in lifestyle can provide students with a deeper understanding of these issues. This can help them to organize coherent writing, use correct grammar, and improve their English writing skills.